Friday, April 2, 2010

What is Undressing PHP all about?

The reason for the blog... stays in the past, While the goals stay in future

Long ago, some time in 2004. Remembering a talk with my friend Chakku.
Chakku, a Java Developer, working in web technologies. We feel so happy about Java for its own advantages. I had a small web site coming up for my uncle's company, We bought a space of 20MB for the cost of Rs.1000 from a CPanel Reseller. The only option for a dynamic content site over there is with PHP4 . The dream weaver helped to achieve what is needed for the website.

We started debating on why was Java not chosen for the site, while it is best of the technologies? The answer from is PHP is so simple and cheaper to go for the time.....

Yes, PHP is better than Java..... for the problem that came for the website. Later, after working in Java, I returned to PHP for a need. That gave me a push, to look for standards and architectures in PHP, which was lagging in the PHP community, very few have the standards in the way they deliver with PHP, PHP itself was not mature to handle enterprise applications, but was moving towards that, while the developer community (not all, but most of them) was just in a hurry to deliver products just like a code written in scratch pad. Applications are un-maintainable and lagging standards......

This urged to start a blog and explain:
What wonders can PHP do.
How to make the wonder stay for a long run......
PHP is not less to any language..... It just has its own advantages....

So, we are here to discuss on how things can be achieved in PHP, in the right way, Undressing and revealing secrets, powers of PHP

This blog will contribute and gather ideas from various members of the web community, providing better solutions and ideas towards the improvement of our-self in PHP, taking ourself to the next level, finally undressing PHP to make everything about PHP, visible to everyone.

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